Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Chefs Move to Schools Webinar, Thursday, via Obama Foodorama

Blog post from:

Thursday, Live, Open To The Public: Sam Kass Leads Chefs Move To Schools Webinar


On Feb. 24, Senior Policy Advisor for Healthy Food Initiatives Sam Kass will keynote the first-ever USDA live webinar for those interested in joining First Lady Michelle Obama's Chefs Move To Schools project, which matches professional chefs with local schools. The one-hour event is designed to provide school personnel, parents and chefs with tips and advice on how to work with the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act to revamp America's school meal programs. It begins at 12:00 EST, and also features three citizen experts and two USDA officials, as well as a brief Q&A.

Chefs Move now has 2,000 chefs and about 1,500 schools enrolled, as of Feb. 9, according to Mrs. Obama. The First Lady launched the initiative at the White House June 4, 2010.

Registration is required to participate in the webinar; click here.

Joining Kass will be USDA's Janey Thornton, USDA Deputy Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services, and Audrey Rowe, Deputy Administrator for Special Nutrition Programs in the USDA Food and Nutrition Service.

>The topic agenda is here.
The citizen experts are Timothy Cipriano, Chef and Executive Director of Food Services for New Haven Public Schools and an advisor to the White House for Chefs Move; Lora Gilbert, Senior Director of Food & Nutrition Services for Orange County Public Schools in Florida; and Rochelle Davis, President and CEO of Chicago's Healthy Schools Campaign, who has also advised the White House.

>Speaker bios are here.

Kass and USDA's Thornton recently visited Gilbert's school district in Orlando, Florida, where there is a very successful ten-school pilot program of Chefs Move. They watched a demo of kids and local chefs creating healthy school meals. Read about the visit here.

For more information on the topic, contact Erika Pijai, USDA Food and Nutrition Service: Erika.Pijai@fns.usda.gov. For questions on the webinar logistics, contact: Emily Buckham Buday, USDA Food and Nutrition Service: Emily.Buckman@fns.usda.gov or phone: 703-605-0772.

*Top photo by EGK/ObamaFoodorama; second by USDA.

*Follow ObFo on Twitter

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