On March 23, 2011 CT state history will be made when Share Our Strength launches the No Kid Hungry Campaign in Connecticut in partnership with End Hunger Connecticut! (EHC!)
The overall goal of the partnership is to end childhood hunger in Connecticut by increasing participation in federal nutrition programs; Afterschool Suppers & Summer Meal Programs.
Wednesday, March 23 4:30 p.m. EST
Macdonough School
66 Spring Street
Middletown, CT 06457
Why Middletown to launch this kick-off?
EHC! has always been a part of the Mayor’s Task Force on Childhood Hunger as led by child advocate and overall amazing person, Betsy Morgan. Betsy organizes the Middlesex Coalition for Children which meets bi-monthly to discuss children’s issues in the community and advocate for change at the legislature. In 2006, EHC! received a fund from a regional grant through the Northeast Regional Anti-Hunger Network from the UPS foundation to increase participate in a targeted community. EHC! chose Middletown because of their potential to serve many more meals than were being served (based on their F/R participation in school lunch). EHC! partnered with the sponsor, Community Renewal Team, Inc. and convened a working group on summer food that included members from the schools, PTA, food pantry, parents, community groups, etc. EHC! recruited volunteers to do activities at sites, expanded sites, and expanded service length and meals. EHC! funded a local student run CSA at Wesleyan University to do nutrition education and gardening activities at sites and are involved in summer food as well. The purpose was to focus on creating a sustainable program so EHC! withdrew from the 'on the ground work' after two years and as you can see below-participation has continued to grow! CRT also added snacks to most sites last year.
2010 2009 2008 2007 2006
Middletown-Sponsored by CRT, Inc. (Meals served) 39,742 23,206 17,511 8,857 3,755
In addition to EHC! work on Summer Food in Middletown, they have participated in WIC advocacy and engaged the Hunger Task Force in a Listening Session for Child Nutrition Reauthorization with Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro in June 2009 at Wexler-Grant School in New Haven working in collaboration with New Haven School Food. Last year EHC! organized a state-wide press conference titled “An Act Concerning Children in the Recession” in the Middletown Food Pantry, Amazing Grace. Amazing Grace has just moved to a new location, one block away from Macdonough school. Links to that press conference are available here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQguSj0EtqQ and here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lU0kCde6pBU.

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